6L Tofu Cat Litter Refill Pack Best Natural Odor Control Dust Free Premium
Natural Tofu Cat Litter
99.9% Dust Free: no tracking; keeps surfaces clean. Great for families with allergies
Clumping: fast clumping action ideal for one or multi-cat households. Absorbs 5x more than traditional litter making it lightweight (4.5lbs)
Natural Odor Control: keeps home smelling clean and fresh with natural essential oils and botanicals.
100% Natural: safe for pregnant women; no artificial ingredients
Flushable: naturally biodegradable, compostable and able to flush in toilet
Safety Information
For pet use only. All ingredients are natural and consumption of litter by accident is harmless. If your pet is known to consume excess amounts, kindly consult a vet immediately.
1 cat = 1 bag = 1 month; pour entire contents of bag into litter box. Scoop urine and feces out daily. Flush waste litter down the toilet.